Thursday, April 26, 2012

Room by room - step 1 - Bathroom

Good morning!
Finally Spring is here..when I think about this season, I can't not to think about my grandmother.
She was a wonderful woman and she taught me a lot of things.
In particular I remember the days spent together when I was a child. What a sweet memory!
I was used to always ask my parents to lead me to my grandmother.

We spent a lot of afternoons together.
She was a great homemaker, with my mom she passed on me the love of our home. She showed me how to cook, to clean, to keep house and the particular thing is that she made see this fact of keeping house like a sweet task, she always said, "Oh now let me see what you can do my little homemaker!".

I love her!

So as I said before, spring is arrived and as my grandmother taught me, it's time to renew our home.

So I have join to Room by Room!
It's a wonderful idea! You can read about this in Marci's Blog - Thankful homemaker.
She started with bathroom, now she talking about kitchen.
I start now with my bathroom, I know I'm late, but as we italian say...Meglio tardi che mai! (Late is better that never!).

Than while I was decluttering my bathroom I have found this blog called Our simple country life , in which they are making a challenge "Heart & home clean sweep", so I decided to join. 

So, let's start!

I have taken some photos BEFORE:

Now after a strong decluttering afternoon  and 2 HUGE garbage bags:

So, my new decluttered bathroom!!!!

I'm so happy, now I always found what I'm looking for...before the decluttering I wasn't able to find a single thing...(I discovered that I have 5 packages of the same medicine...I didn't find it so I continued to buy it!).

So now I would like to thank for their wonfìderful ideas, that were so inspiring for me:


Decluttering is a useful way to have a better organized home, because it allows you to clean faster and to live in a more comfortable and cozy home.

I know that cleaning and keeping a house can be hard sometimes, when you have too many things to do.
But, ladies, we have this splendid task, we have to learn to appreciate it.
We don't do this just for us, but for our family.
For the love of our family.
I'm blessed when my husband comes home and smiles me saying that I have done a good job and that he's proud of me.

I don't have any kids yet, but I'm looking forward to grow up my little family.
If I have a daughter, I will try to pass on her the love for home.

I love being a homemaker!
It's a gift!

I was blessed and inspired reading this book too, it's wonderful and I know that many of you know about it. 
If you don't know this book, I encourage you to read it, it's really inspiring, through it you will understand that keeping house is not an ungrateful and unappreciated task, but it's a pleasure and so important:


I'm also taking part in a link-up at this lovely blog: Ashley at Southern Mama & Wife !

Thanks for reading this loooooong post!


  1. I am having my first link up over at my blog, and I am hoping you will put this on there! AWESOME ideas!!!

    1. Thank you! I will do it with pleasure!!

  2. Ah. I've been spring cleaning too... it's on my monthly to do list.
    That gives me four days til the end of the month to finish. I guess I'd better get busy!

    1. I'm late too! bedroom and kitchen to declutter! The bathroom is just the beginning!

  3. Hi! I thought I had commented yesterday when I visited your blog but I don't see it here. Great job with the decluttering and rearranging, it feels so good doesn't it to gain a little control over things in the home. It makes you feel good!
    Have a happy day Gege :)

    1. Thank you so much!!!! Yes! It's goood to be able to control things at home! No more clutter!
      Have a wonderful Saturday!!


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