Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Does your blog really represent you?

I got a wonderful amazing flu! Here I am!
I have always said that even if I have problems of health, my immune system is very strong....yes....really....and I was serious too...

Gege, welcome in the Flu Land!
Ah! My stomach! 
So I'm here at home and I spend my days lazing on my sofĂ ...this is the best part of this :-)
An other advantage is that I'm getting a little slimmer. This could be the start of a great diet.

Anyway, I had time to think and I have found that my blog look was not good anymore for know.. we women sometimes have to change something, a new haircut, a shopping session, a new pair of shoes?

For me now it's the blog look. 
A blog should be something that represents you, so as you change, it changes.

A blog is something that talks about you, about your feeelings, impressions, thoughts, ideas, about your life.
To be true, this blog don't represent me completely.

Not because I'm false, but because I write in a language that I love, but it's different from mine, loved italian.
My language in my real life of everyday here is different!

There are times in which I would like to say a lot of things, but I don't know how..this is frustrating! :-)
Sometimes I have to avoid some topics, because I know that trying to write would be impossible.
My english is very simple and ungrammatical sometimes, I have to improve!

I think a 7 years old boy could write a sentence deeper than mine!
Reading again my posts gave me a sense of superficiality sometimes.

But it's ok! I'm not here to have a competion, to make "numbers".
I'm here to communicate!
I'm a little drop in this huge sea of wonferful people.

As I said, I'm here to communicate and I can't do that if I don't write in a correct way or if I don't know how
to write something or, even worse, if my heart is closed for the discouragement.

So, what are the rules to communicate in your blog?

1) Knowing the language you are writing with (JUST FOR ME)
2) Open your heart
3) Don't write to make numbers
4) Always think that a blog could be a logbook of your life, so reading it after some time, you will see 
yourself, the way you are changing and improving...BE YOU or you will lie to others and yourself in particular.
5) Enjoy and have a lot of fun writing! (this is the best rule)

Linking up today with these sweet sites:
Linking up today with these sweet sites:

With much love,
Gege, at the moment the italian girl with flu ;-)        

Linking up today with: Wise-Woman-Builds Growing Home

Womanhood With Purpose, 5 eBooks for $7.40!


  1. Oh - I wish you a quick recovery! It's so not fun being sick! (I've got the sniffles, so I can relate.)

    Last August I changed the look of my blog - and just like you, I'm not completely happy, but that's OK. I think blogs, like us, are a work-in-progress.

    Be well!

    1. Thank you so much Lori!
      Thanks for stopping by my blog!
      You are so right we are a work in progress! And our blog is also a consequence of this!

      Be well!!!!!
      Have a wonderful day!

  2. Great rules! I had the stomach flu a couple weeks ago, it only lasted a day or so. I hope yours passes equally fast!

    1. Thank you Rachel! I'm starting to feel better, I'm ready for this week-end <3 <3 <3 !!!! I didn't eat a lot during these days, so I feel that I'm starving...this is a good thing!

  3. Hi Gege
    Don't worry, dear One, my home language is Afrikaans but as you have said, we are all here to communicate and what better way than talking the heavenly language of love. We all understand that. Nice to meet you at Tracy's! I am so glad to have found her blog for I also come from South Africa.
    Hugs to you

    1. Hello Mia!
      What a wonderful thing you said!
      "We are all here to communicate and what better way than talking the heavenly language of love"

      Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog!
      Hugs to you!!!!

  4. Gah! I know! I had the stomach bug and lost like 5 pounds. To bad it's all back ;(

    1. Oh! I'm sorry you had stomach bug too!!!! I hope you feel better now!!!!

  5. I hope your feeling better! Great rules! Thank you for linking up at Leaving A Legacy!




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